Sunday, September 26, 2010

Asiyeh Baakeri on Police Officers Attacking Their Home - This is How they Choose to Visit us, after Ignoring us for 27 Years!

September 26th, 2010:  Summary - For 27 years they never bothered to ask us how we were doing. They didn't even know where we lived. After all these years, is this the reward for the difficulties my mother endured and the fact that we were left without a father? I am perplexed at why they are treating us in this manner!

After our letter to Sardar Jaafari, the pressures increased on a daily basis.

Kaleme: On an afternoon in September, a number of freedom seeking women were tyring to gather in order to recite the Quran. This gathering takes place every week. This week, due to the anniversary of the holy defense of our nation in the war against Iraq, this gathering was going to take place at martyr Baakeri's house. Asiyeh Baakeri recounts this event for us. She describes her anguish as a result of the contemptuous treatment of and disrespect shown towards her mother, the wife of Martyr Baakeri.  Asiyeh says that her family did not expect such disrespect.  Kaleme's reporter asks Ms. Baakeri about the manner in which their house was raided today. The content of this conversation is as follows:

What exactly happened at your house?

A group of my mother's friends and families of martyrs who usually get together on a weekly basis to recite the Quran, came to our house this week since it was the anniversary of the holy defense of our country in the war against Iraq. A few hours before the gathering, agents began to appear in front of our house, interrogating every single one of our guests as they approached our residence.
Did you just say that the agents were interrogating the guests, some of whom were families of the martyrs? Where did these interrogations take place? Did they take place inside your house?

No, they were taking some people inside a van and they were asking others questions on the street. Those who were taken inside a van were given forms to fill out.

Are you aware of the content of these forms? 

No, they did not allow those who had to fill out forms to enter our house.

What was the reaction of your family to this disrespect towards your guests?

My mother threw the individuals who had introduced themselves as security/police officers out of our house. They said they were security/police officers, but did not have a court order with them, so my mother did not allow them to enter our house.

Did they explain what the security issue was?

No, they did not provide any explanations.  They did not explain why a gathering to recite the Quran would lead to security issues.

Why do you think these agents raided the house of martyr Baakeri?

These individuals introduced themselves as security and police officers.  They intended to enter our house which led to Mrs. Mohtashemi Pour feeling very sick and fainting.  I believe they are trying to put our family under pressure.

When did these type of pressures begin?

It began after the elections last year when we defended the rights of the people. That is when the pressures and insults began and after my mother's letter to Sardar Jaafari, the pressures have increased even more every day.

Were they able to enter your house?

My mother went to the door. She had an argument with them but did not allow the agents to enter our home.

Did their presence have anything to do with the events on Wednesday and your meeting with Mousavi and Karroubi?

I cannot say for sure if their presence had anything to do with the fact that Ehsan, my brother was arrested and our presence in front of Mr. Karroubi's house.

Do you have anything else to add?

For 27 years they never showed up at our door even to ask how we were doing. Now they have decided to arrive in this manner. In fact they didn't even know where we lived. Now after all these years this is how they repay the hardships that my mother endured and the fact that we were left without a father. I am perplexed at why they are treating us in this manner!

Source: Kaleme

سال نیامدند خانه ما بگویند حالمان چطور است؛حالا اینگونه آمدند۲۷

یکشنبه, ۴ مهر, ۱۳۸۹
چکیده : ۲۷ سال نیامدند در خانه ما بگویند حالمان چطور است. اصلا راه منزل ما را بلد نبودند . حالا بعد از این همه سال مزد سختی هایی که مادرم کشید و بی پدر ماندن ما را خوب می دهند. برای من جای سوال است که چرا این رفتار با ما می شود.

پس از نامه به سردار جعفری هر  روز فشار ها بیشتر می شود

کلمه: بعدازظهر مهر ماه تعدادی از زنان حق طلب برای خواندن قرآن می خواهند جمع شوند. هر هفته این جلسه برگزار می شود اما این بار این جلسه قرآن به دلیل هفته دفاع مقدس در منزل شهید باکری برگزار می شود. آسیه باکری اینها را بریده بریده می گوید. از بی حرمتیها و بی احترامی که به مادرش به عنوان همسر شهید باکری شده ناراحت است. آسیه می گوید اصلا انتظار چنین بی حرمتی را نداشته است.
خبرنگار کلمه از وی چگونگی ماجرای هجوم به منزل شهید باکری را جویا شدیم.

در منزل شما چه اتفاقی افتاد؟
گروهی از دوستان مادرم و خانواده شهدا که هر هفته جلسه قرآن برگزار می کنند، به دلیل هفته دفاع مقدس گفتند که به منزل ما می آیند. ساعاتی پیش ماموران در مقابل منزل جمع شده بودند از تک تک مهمانان ما بازجویی کردند.

گفتی ماموران از میهمانان که برخی خانواده شهدا بودند هم بازجویی کردند؟ کجا این بازجویی انجام می شد؟ داخل خانه شما؟
نه برخی را داخل ون می بردند. برخی از آنها هم در خیابان سوالاتی می پرسیدند. آنهایی که می برند داخل ون به آنها فرم هایی می دادند که پر کنند.

می دانی در داخل این فرم ها چه چیزی نوشته شده بود؟
نه کسانی که فرم پر می کردند را نمی گذاشتند به منزل ما بیایند.

واکنش خانواده شما دربرابر این بی احترامی ها به میهمانان خانواده اقای باکری چه بود؟
مادرم کسانی که خودشان را پلیس امنیت معرفی کرده بودند را از خانه بیرون کرد. چون گفتند ما نیروی امنیتی هستیم اما حکمی نداشتند مادرم هم آنها را به منزلمان راه نداد.

نگفتند چه ناامنی به وجود امده ؟
نه توضیحی ندادند. نگفتند جلسه قران چگونه باعث ناامنی می شود.

به نظر شما چرا ماموران به منزل شهید باکری حمله کردند؟
این افراد خودشان را نیروی امنیتی و پلیس امینت معرفی کردن قصد ورود به خانه را داشتند که خانم محتشمی پور حالش به هم خورد و از حال رفت. به نظر من می خواهند خانواده ما را تحت فشار قرار بدهند.

این فشارها از کی و برای چه شروع شده است؟
از بعد از انتخابات و طرفداری از حق  فشارها و تهمت ها بر روی خانواده ما شروع شد و بعد از نامه مادرم به سردار جعفری هر روز فشارها بیشتر می شود.

به منزل شما ورود پیدا کردند؟
مامانم به دم در رفت. دعوا شد اما نگذاشت ماموران به داخل منزل ما بیایند.

این مساله ربطی به  مساله چهارشنبه و دیدار شما با اقای موسوی و کروبی داشت؟
دقیقا نمی دانم که آیا این مساله به بازداشت احسان و حضور ما در مقابل خانه کروبی ربطی دارد یا خیر.

و حرف آخر؟
۲۷ سال نیامدند در خانه ما بگویند حالمان چطور است حالا اینگونه آمدند. اصلا راه منزل ما را بلد نبودند. حالا بعد از این همه سال مزد سختی هایی که مادرم کشید و بی پدر ماندن ما را خوب می دهند. برای من جای سوال است که چرا این رفتار با ما می شود

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